Black Heidi


Dimpho Dorothy “Black Heidi” Mahoko is a South African singer and songwriter born and raised in the North West Province, Mafikeng. She moved to Pretoria, Gauteng in 2015 to study Computer Science at the University of Pretoria. Black Heidi has been writing songs since she was 10 years old and started performing in 2020 after learning how to play the ukulele to accompany herself on stage. When she is not writing songs and playing shows, she is a Software Consultant at Retro Rabbit Enterprises. 
She’s played at some of South Africa’s iconic music festivals such as Park Acoustics, Splashy Fen and Fete de la Musique since 2021. She also played her first show across the South African border with Strab Festival in Mozambique in 2023 and has been soaring since. 
The variety in her music makes it tricky to categorise but it has been described as rock-adjacent, pop-grunge and soft indie punk.


1. What’s your biggest achievement / Something you’re proud of yourself for?
I am most proud of my music career. I’ve wanted to be a musician since I was a child and I’m so proud that most people don’t know me as anything else. I’m an independent artist so I am my own PR agent, manager, marketing personnel , content creator, booking agent which is a lot of work but all of the fun stuff like writing songs and performing them make it worthwhile. It’s very nice to look back and see how far I’ve come, how far the work I’ve done has brought me. It’s nowhere near where I’m going, but it’s a good chunk from where I started.

2. What’s your biggest fear / something that holds you back?
My fear of disappointing people. Oftentimes I offer myself up at my own expense and then silently resent people for putting me out. I have a hard time saying no and drawing boundaries. I used to think that if I said no to people and disappointed them, they would stop loving me. I am now realising that anyone who stops loving me because of a boundary I set, is not for me to keep in my life, which is perfectly fine.  I am in my villian era and yes, my villian era is really just me saying no to stuff, but it’s so empowering. I still get  a bit anxious when I do it sometimes but I think that’s just part of the journey.

3. What’s your biggest contribution / Something you like to share?
“This is a difficult question for me to answer because I feel like there’s so much more for me to do, but I love to stress the importance of taking care of the children. Especially when it comes to their education and career guidance. I don’t think we’re giving high schoolers enough information about everything they can possibly be. I’m still figuring out how I’m going to help mitigate this. But that is something I’m quite passionate about.”

4. Fun Facts:
Dairy makes my sinuses flare up so much but I love ice cream more than most things in the world so I continue to eat it and suffer the consequences.

Thank you for being you!

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