Lil Bianchi


Lil Bianchi is a 4 x world powerlifting champion and educator in the field of human movement. A strength and performance coach and owner of OTG Method.


1. What’s your biggest achievement / Something you’re proud of yourself for?
“Many people may look at my sporting accolades and assume that 4 world championship titles and 19 world records would be my biggest achievement, naturally, and believe me I am incredibly proud of my success in my sport but personally my achievement has been in ‘overcoming.  Having spent 10 years as a drug addict and using training, movement and exercise as a means to an end is what led me to the powerlifting platform.  Every record that fell pushed me further and further away from the girl I once was and the life I once led.  That is something I am incredibly proud of, not breaking world records but beating addiction.”

2. What’s your biggest fear / something that holds you back?
“I fear standing still, I fear mediocrity, I fear being average in my pursuits.  This fear means being challenged on a daily basis because I hold myself to such a high standard, I fear my stubbornness, as George Will said “the pursuit of perfection often impedes improvement”

3. What’s your biggest contribution / Something you like to share?
“Education. My professional field of sport and fitness is inundated with myths, misconceptions and trends that effect young girls negatively, leading them to live lives of eating disorders, self-loathing and insecurities.  I pride myself in educating women on how to fuel their bodies the right way, how to love the bodies they in and strive for honesty and not perfection within their bodies.  I have helped thousands of women find their strength, love their bodies and live healthier, fuller lives.”

4. Fun Facts:
“Growing up I was obsessed with clowns and begged my parents on a daily basis to enrol me in a professional clown school.  To this day I am not sure if such schools exist but spent a lot of my childhood learning to juggle, paint faces, ride a unicycle and would attempt to ride every animal I could fit on. I can’t do any of these things today.”

Thank you for being you!

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